Seven Up: An open Letter to my first born.

My darling son, on Saturday you enter a new life cycle and turn 7.
That’s 7 years and 36+4 weeks that my heart has loved you.

So I thought I would write down some words about you, so that we can look back one day and reminisce.

I remember talking with Granny years ago about this documentary she watched called ‘Seven Up’.  It followed a group of kids, returning in 7 year intervals to take a look at their lives. It explored Aristotle’s theory of ‘Show me the boy at 7 and I’ll show you the man’, which suggests by 7 most children have their basic foundations in place.

Whilst this theory has its flaws, it got me thinking...

If who you are at 7 is any indication of the kind of man you will become,
I am speechless…

and already a sobbing mess.

Ollie, you are the kindest,
funniest, bravest
kid I know. 

Yes, I am bias; I am your mumma and I will always love you, no matter how many times you say the word fart to see me cringe, (It’s a pump or a trump thank you!). But what really gives me the chills, is when independent people tell me the same thing, without any prompting from me.

People love being around you, and you get people. You understand their needs and you make them feel great with the slightest gesture. Your smile melts even the coldest of days, and your cuddles are the best thing in my entire world.

You are so smart and determined, you always try your very best, and even if you get things wrong, you can talk about how you feel and what you need to do. Your teachers love having you in class, especially now that you have calmed down a bit and aren’t with all your besties. This year you came 4th in the Spelling Bee and you excel in English and Math. You love to write and to draw, even though you struggle in Art because you don’t have enough time to make it as perfect as you want it, and you don’t want to disappoint Mrs. Green.  

You are sensitive and articulate, and my soul lights up when you talk to me about your life and your thoughts. You are a deep thinker, a logical thinker, but so very creative and you love to explore your world. You care about this planet and everyone in it, always picking up rubbish that you see or thinking about the animals.

You love your family fiercely, always looking out for your little sister and encouraging her to be the best she can be. You never laugh at her mistakes and always guide her with such gentleness and love that I often feel a lump in my throat when I watch you play. You adore your big brothers, always begging them to play soccer or listening to them intently as they tell jokes or new things they have learnt. I don’t think they ever get as much exercise, or giggle as much as when they are around you my love.

Your favourite songs are the one Mummy and Daddy got married too (All of you, John Legend) and Roar by Katie Perry, who we went to see this year and you declared it was the 'Best night of your life', even though you fell asleep and don't remember hearing your song. I think those song choices are an expression of you through and through.

You love all sports and had a great first season of soccer at Rockingham. You are keen to try cricket this summer but the closest club for juniors is called the Secret Harbor Dockers Cricket club, and we know Uncle Guy would not like that team! You are thinking of wearing your Eagles top to training just to stay loyal, or maybe you'll go back to basketball instead. You have also been to 4 Eagles games so far this season, and you love spending that time with your Aunty and Uncle, and they love sharing it with you.

This year you became a big cousin, and you are already exciting about teaching Rafa about soccer and all things boys. You will be a great role model for him and I know you will always give him your time.

You are a beautiful friend, always looking out for them and sharing their wins and lifting them during their struggles. You are a strong leader, sometimes having to be reminded to give others a go, but you love being part of a team and excel around an audience. Your grandparents of both sides love being around you, and your fun and cheeky personality keeps them young I am told.

As you edge towards manhood, our relationship is changing. I am no longer needed as I once was, and I am watching your relationship with your Dad strengthen and flourish. I always knew it would happen this way, and I couldn’t be happier. Listening to you two talk soccer, or cricket, or golf or… anything sport, fills my heart with pride. Your Daddy is a wonderful man, he has a lot to teach you, and I can see you taking it all in. You are so much like him. Kind and brave, smart and loyal.

God, you are such a wonder…

Babe, your Dad and I are just so proud of you already. We only every want you to be full of happiness and love, and we are thankful that you are guiding us so carefully through this parenting gig. Sometimes we will make mistakes, but in our house we say sorry, and we will always apologise if we get it wrong. So if you want better from us, please talk to us. If you need more (or less), we are always here to talk and cuddle and listen.

Thank you for choosing me. I felt your love around me, guiding me, even before you existed in this world. I am so grateful for the wonderful surprise that was you. I have learnt so many lessons from you already and I watch you grow with awe.

We are all unfinished stories my love.
So in the words of the great Dr. Seuss:

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
in any direction you choose.

You’re on your own,
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go."

Happy Birth Day my love.
I love you, even more than all the fish
in all the seas all over the world…
Mumma x


Michelle Bell, Partner at DeFuze Australia, is the resident blog star.

Michelle is the creative DeFuzer behind the socials and blog. 
As a mumma of 2, she uses essential oils for EVERYTHING and is passionate about helping the families in her community share the load. 
Michelle works part-time and is always looking for ways to have better work/life/home harmony. 
Find her and the rest of the team at DeFuze Australia on Facebook and Instagram x

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